Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The Heart Of The Lungs - 857 Words
The Lungs are a part of every living human and animal that exist today. The lungs are classified as one of the hardest-working organs in the body, besides the heart. They can expand and contract up to 20 times a minute or more to provide oxygen to be distributed to tissues in all parts of the body. They are considered to be the largest organ in the body. Taking up over forty percent of the chest cavity. Due to the size, we can only have two. The heart takes up the other space in the upper cavity. Each lung is made up of a sponge like material of tissue. They have been divided up into sections called lobes. The right lung has three lobes and the left lung only has two. These are called the superior, middle, and inferior. The average size of the lungs is 11 in. in length. Most normal adult human’s lungs are about the same size. The normal lungs have an average weight of 234 grams or so. The weight depends a lot on the health of the lung. The average pair of human lungs can hold about 5 liters of air. Approximately, a healthy human can breathe up to 24480 times in a day. The lungs are red color because it is smooth muscles. It is made of all muscle tissue. The job of my organ is to take oxygen from the air and carbon dioxide is exchange. It does its job with the millions tiny grape-likes cells that are called alveoli, which allows oxygen to seep into the capillaries or the thin wall that air sacs where carbon dioxide exchange take place.Show MoreRelatedHeart Disease, Lung And Blood Institute2047 Words  | 9 PagesBACKGROUND In January 1986, heart disease in women emerged from the shadows when the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) convened a workshop of researchers and clinicians to describe the current state of knowledge and provide direction for future research in the area of coronary heart disease (CHD) in women. 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