Sunday, December 29, 2019
The Year Round Schooling System Essay - 700 Words
Year round schooling has been present since the early 1900’s. It first appeared in urban areas because they were not tied to the agricultural cycle. The first cities to implement this system were Chicago, Boston, Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, and Washington D.C. By 1975, Oregon, Wyoming, Montana, Ohio, South Carolina, North Carolina, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Louisiana, Texas, and Tennessee adopted YRS for at least one school, however Vermont dropped YRS. Many states and school systems at least attempted the year round system to determine if there were any clear advantages to year round schooling. Year round schooling is beneficial to business, teachers and administration, and students performance in school, however, there is a negative impact relating to costs, the rural perspective, and students’ after school activities and grades. One major point of this article was that the year round schooling system contributes to economic prosperity. Businesses find it easier to provide jobs for students on a year round basis instead of having to provide jobs for students only in the summer months. This schooling system also allows students to graduate at different times, allowing for a decrease in unemployment compared to students who graduate together and compete for a few open job spots at that time. Many teachers and administration are in favor of this type of schedule because it allows teacher to be able to raise their income by teaching days of class on their vacations.Show MoreRelatedThe Year Round Schooling System Essay947 Words  | 4 Pagesdrain.†There are several models of year-round schooling that would better serve all stakeholders in most communities across the nation. Position and Rationale American students do not need more time in school, but do need access to more rigorous, engaging instruction, as well as a calendar that removes the excessive break schedule (summers) and promotes healthy, regular breaks throughout the year, such as the single-track year-round schooling system. Year-round education includes the possibilityRead MoreGraduation Speech : Year Round Schooling1635 Words  | 7 PagesYear-Round Schooling The average school period is one hundred and eighty days with small breaks in between and a three-month break during summer to ease students’ minds and let them relax. The Board of Education should make all schools in the United States year-round to increase educational time and decrease the loss of knowledge over the breaks. It gives students the same time to relax and plan family vacations periodically throughout the year, but never creates the stress of changing sleep schedulesRead More Abstract Essay1683 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract The topic of year round schooling is quite controversial and greatly misconceived by the public. Most school systems tend to steer clear of the idea due to lack of support and academic success. Year-round schooling is not for everyone. Benefits however, include downsizing of schools, the reduction of building construction, and the ability to effectively meet the demands of the community. Students and teachers are typically placed on a multi-track schedule instead of the general nineRead MoreYear Round Schooling: Should It Be Implemented? Essay932 Words  | 4 Pages One of the most talked about issues of schooling today, would be year round schooling. The program started as a new way to learn. 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With benefits such as, remediation, better chances for high-risk and ESL students, economic benefits, and more structure/stabilityRead MoreWhy We Should Have Year-Round Schooling771 Words  | 4 Pagesprevious year or why students tend to forget everything? Every year, students are keeping their calendars at hand and counting down the days until summer vacation. It’s the last day of school and when the f inal bell rings, kids are ready to do nothing for three months. However, is this really a good thing? The possibility of having year-round schools is at hot debate topic right now and it is time for change from traditional calendar schools. Schools should incorporate a system where schooling is year-roundRead MoreAdvantages of Going to a Year-Round School1531 Words  | 7 ASSIGNMENT: A5 Title: Advantages of Going to a Year-Round School All primary and secondary schools in the United States need to change from the traditional schooling system to the newer educational system of a year-round schooling system. A traditional school system is one where students go to school for nine months out of the year and receive a three month summer vacation, whereas students in a year-round school system follow a cycle of forty-five days in classes followed by a fifteenRead MoreMaking a Case for Year-Round Schooling1446 Words  | 6 Pagescountry, communities created schooling schedules that were cohesive with the lifestyles and responsibilities of the student populations. In rural areas, schooling was structured around agricultural harvesting. Local school boards and superintendents gave students months off so that students could help their parents with harvesting crops and caring for the farm. Unlike their rural counterparts, in the mid-18oos, children in urban areas were subject to year- round schooling. Yet because education wasRead MoreEssay about Year-Round Schooling: A Push for the Better1020 Words  | 5 Pages INTRODUCTION Most schools in America today follow the traditional 180-day schooling system. This system was started in the 19th century when schooling for children began. There was a 10-week summer vacation for the students to help their families on the farm for harvesting. In March of 2009, President Barak Obama suggested to the public his Race to the Top program. The program is to extend the school hours or extend the school days. â€Å"We can no longer afford an academic calendar designedRead MoreWhy Year Round School Is More Harm Than Good978 Words  | 4 PagesIf school was all year round, I believe students would never look forward to school and would affect their learning. Therefore, in my opinion, I do not believe school should be year round. Why Year Round School Is More Harm Than Good Year round schooling is a topic that is emerging widely throughout the United States in this day and time. It is said that it is suppose to better the school systems and help students with their schoolwork. However, I think year round schooling could do more harm
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Hamlet As A Tragic Hero - 850 Words
Has one ever wanted to revenge,something deeply important to them? Does one wonders if they would be perceived as a hero if they revenge? Well In the novel Hamlet the author, William Shakespeare creates tragic events where his main character Hamlet has to overcome to achieve his goal of killing his evil uncle Claudius. â€Å"In life one has to do bad thing in order to be a hero,the hero also has to make sacrifices in order to be successful†(John Barrowman). In Shakespeare Hamlet, should hamlet be considered a tragic hero judging by him following the hero steps. Shakespeare proves that Hamlet was a tragic hero because he went through three of the steps from meeting with a mentor,approach and the resurrection. The first step that Hamlet took was meeting with a mentor.The mentor that hamlet met was his father’s Ghost.The Ghost tells him that he has been murdered by Claudius Hamlet s uncle by poison. As of all mentor or an important figure in a hero’s life,they te ll the hero to do some task that will benefit them and save others. For Hamlet the ghost tells him he wants him to revenge his father’s death and make things right again in Denmark (Hamlet). Shakespeare made the character Hamlet accept the challenge and become a hero by trying to avenge his father s death. The Articlemyriad said that Hamlet is a tragic hero because he had the noblest motivation to punish his mentor’s killer for what they did to him (Nicole Smith). Hamlet tells the audience that he will do itShow MoreRelatedHamlet, A Tragic Hero1003 Words  | 5 Pagesmemorable tragic hero’s Hamlet is the definition of a tragic hero. In the book, Hamlet, Shakespeare’s character hamlet is determined on killing his uncle the king. This goal proves to be challenging to him due to his morals. He often struggles with this throughout the book. This proves to be his downfall for not deciding to kill the king until the very end. A tragic hero has to have a fata l flaw that, combined with fate, brings tragedy. This is one of the key characteristics of a tragic hero. He hadRead MoreHamlet As A Tragic Hero1071 Words  | 5 Pages Hamlet as a Tragic Hero The Webster dictionary defines tragedy as, â€Å"a serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion that excites pity or terror.†(Webster Dictionary) So a tragic hero is a character who goes through a conflict and suffers catastrophically as a direct result of his choices. You will see throughout this story that the character Hamlet is a clear example of Shakespeare’s tragic hero. ShakespeareRead MoreHamlet : A Tragic Hero995 Words  | 4 PagesHamlet: A Tragic Hero William Shakespeare is known through the ages as a brilliant playwright. He has written several comedies and tragedies that people have loved through decades. Shakespeare’s plays have been interpreted in many different ways and have been debated on which interpretation is correct. Some of these included even the basis of the character’s persona. In the Shakespearean tragedy Hamlet, the main protagonist, Prince Hamlet, is fated by the ghost of his late father that, becauseRead MoreHamlet as a Tragic Hero2505 Words  | 11 Pagesterror. A tragic hero, therefore, is the character who experiences such a conflict and suffers catastrophically as a result of his choices and related actions. The character of Hamlet is a clear representation of Shakespeares tragic hero, as he possesses all the necessary characteristics of such a hero. Hamlet is seen as a tragic hero as he has doomed others because of a serious error in judgment, also Hamlet is responsible for his own fat e and Hamlet has been endowed with a tragic flaw. TheseRead MoreHamlet As A Tragic Hero1305 Words  | 6 Pages Sympathy is a feeling of sorrow, pity, or understanding of someone else’s misfortune. Hamlet, in this case, is the tragic hero due to many different sources that cause the reader to have an immense amount of sympathy for him. A series of events such as murder, failed relationships, and all the madness, created the feeling of sympathy from the audience. These specific sources cause the reader to see the development of the overall themes of deceit, justice, and revenge. Deceit is one of the mainRead MoreHamlet; Tragic Hero3618 Words  | 15 Pages Hamlet; The Tragic Hero        In many plays there is always one person that is the tragic hero. They always possess some type of tragic flaw that in turn leads to their tragic deaths. In the Shakespearean play Hamlet the main character Hamlet is considered to be a tragic hero. By carefully analyzing the Shakespearean play Hamlet one can debate whether the main character Hamlet is a tragic hero. Although it is debatable whether or not Hamlet is a tragic hero, one wouldRead MoreIs Hamlet A Tragic Hero Essay961 Words  | 4 PagesTo be, or not to be: a hero. That is the question often asked of William Shakespeare’s tragedy, Hamlet: whether Hamlet II, Prince of Denmark, can be considered a hero. Throughout the play Hamlet proves himself to be a hero, although different from the usual sense of one. Hamlet is a tragic hero, â€Å"a great or virtuous character . . . who is destined for downfall, suffering, or defeat . . . who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw tha t, combined with fate and external forces, brings on a tragedyRead MoreHamlet As The Tragic Hero Of The Play Hamlet 1314 Words  | 6 PagesIn order to better understand Hamlet one must first asses, and define man. According to webster dictionary a man is a male often having the qualities associated with bravery,script or toughness(site webster dictionary www.define a here). We know the male figure is known to exhibit distinctive male traits such as strength, dignity, courage and be a provider and supporter. As seen in Hamlet one must understand the male figure to better understand Hamlet and why the male behave in such waysRead MoreHamlet: A Tragic Hero Essays697 Words  | 3 Pagestragedy of Hamlet, Shakespeare’s most popular and greatest tragedy, presents his genius as a playwright and includes many numbers of themes and literary techniques. In all tragedies, the main character, called a tragic hero, suffers and usually dies at the end. Prince Hamlet is a m odel example of a Shakespearean tragic hero. Every tragedy must have a tragic hero. A tragic hero must own many good traits, but has a flaw that ultimately leads to his downfall. If not for this tragic flaw, the hero would beRead More Hamlet: A Tragic Hero Essays873 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"A tragic flaw is an error or defect in the tragic hero that leads to his downfall.†( In the history of literature, if the question of who was the most indecisive character was brought up, Hamlet would be a prime candidate. Hamlet had numerous chances to reap revenge for his father’s death but was only able to follow through after the accidental murder of his mother. Hamlet’s inability to make a decision ultimately leads to his demise
Friday, December 13, 2019
Care Of Ald Patients Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
string(140) " it is besides used in many nursing schools, which demonstrates the relation between theory and pattern in nursing \( Roper et al 2000 \) \." In this assignment, I shall choose a patient from my arrangement, this will be backed with a principle for my chosen patient. This will besides do reference of the importance epidemiological information, within this I will show an apprehension of the aetiology of common long term conditions. I will exemplify the nursing model used and physical, psychological and societal appraisal of my selected patient. We will write a custom essay sample on Care Of Ald Patients Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In relation to the appraisal this will besides include the needed attention of patient being discussed. I have selected a patient from a South London Healthcare Trust. In order to keep confidentiality anonyms have been used to protect the patient ‘s individuality. The ( NMC ) emphasises that we as nurses, must esteem people ‘s rights to confidentiality CHECK ( 2008 ) . Mr B is 51-year-old adult male. He works as a bricklayer on a edifice site. He has two boies whom are aged 21and 25. He is separated from his married woman who is the biological female parent to his two boies, and now has a new spouse. His avocations are ; reading, socializing, and disbursement clip with his boies. Mr B is a really pleasant gentleman who enjoys his life, and makes the most out of it. Mr B admitted to gorging on intoxicant occasionaly. Mr B became dependent on intoxicant, and was diagnosed with alcoholic liver disease in 2006. After go toing many support groups, which helped him a great trade, he became clean and free of intoxicant dependence. Sadly, his Dendranthema grandifloruom lost her conflict to malignant neoplastic disease his Dendranthema grandifloruom. Intelligibly, Mr B found this difficult to cover with, and accordingly turned to alcohol as a header mechanism. Epidemiology I feel that alcoholic liver disease ( ALD ) is going progressively common in acute infirmary scenes, this may be due to the immense addition in orgy imbibing. Harmonizing to ( NHS Clinical Knowledge Summaries, intoxicant abuse in England is prevailing, 33 % of which are work forces, and 16 % of adult females, which may hold damaging affects to their wellness. ( EBP ) . I believe my chosen subject will assist both my hereafter practise and my ain apprehension of ( ALD ) . ( ALD ) is highly common in England. Approximately 90-100 % of people who drink the exceeded recommended bound have alcoholic fatty liver disease ( National Health Services Choices 2009 ) . These statistics single-handedly are highly high, which accordingly means that Mr B is immense hazard of roll uping ( ALD ) . It is known that every bit much 1 in 5 people who drink, will develop liver cirrhosis ( NHS Choices 2009 ) . Immediately this places Mr B at an unmeasurable hazard of roll uping liver cirrhosis, as he was chiefly admitted to hospital with inordinate ingestion of intoxicant. It has been found that work forces are more likely dice from liver disease, this may be because their intoxicant consumption is much greater than adult females. However, this demonstrates that Mr B ‘s hazard of mortality is going peculiarly refering. The mortality rate of alcoholic liver disease has risen by over two-thirds ( 69 % ) in the past 30 old ages, which makes intoxicant one of the most common cause of decease, together with high blood force per unit area, and smoke. This is a significantly high addition in the figure of deceases related to alcoholic liver disease. Subsequently, this contributes to many factors associating to Mr B ‘s alcoholic liver disease, it is evident that his mentality is highly hapless harmonizing to these statistics. Evidence has been found that there is a high prevalence in developing liver cirrhosis in people age 40 or over. Furthermore, as Mr B is over the age of 40, which indefinitely shows he is a high hazard of developing liver cirrhosis. As there is a high prevalence of grownups who consume intoxicant in ( U.K ) , every bit much 90 % ( REF ) . This entirely does non stand anybody in good position, allow entirely Mr B as he has a history of intoxicant abuse. There appears to be a immense spread in recognition of the day-to-day benchmark, and if people measure there alcohol units ( National Statistics 2006 ) . Mr B ‘s deficiency of instruction demonstrates that is unable to construe how much he is advised to imbibe, which may hold led to his inordinate imbibing. 1 in 16 people are admitted to hospital with intoxicant related unwellnesss ( ref2 ) It is known that greater intoxicant consumed, the higher hazard of unwellness, such as oesophageal malignant neoplastic disease, which increases significantly one time the intoxicant consumption exceeds more than 3 drinks per twenty-four hours ( NICE/Health Development Agency 2005 ) . Mr B ‘s old consumption of intoxicant indicates that may be a possible hazard to oesophageal malignant neoplastic disease. This presents a secondary hazard to him as he already has ( ALD ) . Q.1 Assessment Any intervention and care given must be given with the patient ‘s ain demands and penchants should be taken into history. A patient with an acute unwellness should be made cognizant that they have the right to do informed determinations about the attention that receive, together with their health care professionals. However, if a patient does non hold the mental capacity to do determinations themselves ( Department of Health 2001 ) . Nursing is to advance wellness, mending, growing and development, and to forestall disease, unwellness, hurt, and disablement. When a individual becomes sick or handicapped, nursing is guaranting that a individual ‘s hurt and agony is kept to a lower limit, and enable people to grok and to cover with their unwellness or disablement, its intervention and effects. When decease is foreseeable, the rule of nursing is to guarantee that the best quality of life is maintained until its terminal ( 2003 ) . An appraisal is a methodical, purposeful and synergistic procedure that strengthens every characteristic of nursing attention ( Heaven A ; Maguire 1996 ) . This is where a both nurse and patient indentify the patient ‘s demands and anxiousnesss, whereby individualized attention is given. Roper-Logan-Tierney theoretical account specifically for nursing is widely used in pattern throughout the United Kingdom, it is besides used in many nursing schools, which demonstrates the relation between theory and pattern in nursing ( Roper et al 2000 ) . You read "Care Of Ald Patients Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" Although all 12 Activities of day-to-day life ( ADL ) are every bit of import when measuring a patient, I shall merely do reference of a few due to the limited sum of words. Mr B Obs Initially B ‘s external respiration was absolutely within normal scope. However, as his status deteriorated his external respiration was compromised. It was inevitable that he required O therapy, to assist help his external respiration. In order for his lungs to have sufficient sum of O ( o2 ) , it was of import he was sat vertical. His respiratory rate was 35 breaths per minute. The deepness was hapless, which was apparent due the fact of the attempt he used to take a breath in and out. Royal Marsden CHECK It is cardinal that patients observations are obtained on the initial appraisal or at the clip of their admittance, which will assist place any important alterations their observations. ( Nice 2007 ) . Elimination is another activity of day-to-day life, which I felt was compromised. Mr B had a urine catheter, to help him with go throughing piss, and so we could detect his end product closely. Fluid balance is critical when a patient is acutely ailing, it is of import that this is observed ( ref ) . Mr B was able to travel to the lavatory independently on admittance to infirmary. As he became acutely ailing, this became more of a battle, and he was unable to make this himself. I felt his self-respect was compromised due to his illness/condition deterioration. However, I managed to keep this to the best of my ability, esteeming his self-respect throughout my clip caring for him. The Nursing and Midwifery Council ( NMC ) emphasises that we as healthcare professional must handle people who we care for as persons and esteem their self-respect ( 2008 ) . This meant that he was unable to extinguish independently, which accordingly diminished his independency. In order for Mr B to recover his mobility, we had to chiefly handle his ( ALD ) , so he could so reconstruct this. Harmonizing to ( NMC ) It is critical that we support people in our attention, guaranting they care for themselves, in order to heighten and keep their wellness ( 2008 ) . I felt that Mr B ‘s mobility was another ( ADL ) which was doing a immense concern. As Mr B was in the acute stage of his ( ALD ) he became encephalopathy, which caused his mobility to diminish ( ref ) . His reduced mobility was holding a knock on consequence on his independency, doing him to go farther down and withdrawn. Mr B ‘s physical wellbeing was doing a immense concern. His hepatic brain disorder induced by the harm to his liver, which depleted his mobility. Hepatic brain disorder is a neuropsychiatric, whereby the liver has been harm due to inordinate imbibing. In hepatic encephalopathy ammonium hydroxide is non being converted into carbamide, which should usually be excreted by the kidneys, accordingly it so enters the systemic circulation ( Zimmaro A ; Sawchuk, 2004 ) . Ref med n surg Consequently to Mr B holding alcoholic liver disease, he had oesophageal varices. This is whereby a composite of Byzantine venas at the inferior terminal of the gorge, are enlarged and swollen as a consequence of the portal high blood pressure. If left untreated Mr B may be capable to an oesophageal or stomachic variceal rupture, which may do hypovolemic daze ( ref ) . HB As Mr B has portal high blood pressure, this means he is a high hazard of a Gastrointestinal bleed ( GI Bleed ) . A ( GI ) bleed is where portal high blood pressure occurs when there is an obstructor in the intra- or extrahepatic circulation ( REF ) . Psychologically I feel that Mr B ‘s physical demands were been depleted due to his chronic condition/illness. On admittance to infirmary, Mr B was highly malnourished, dehydrated and presented with self-neglect, which was provoked by his overly imbibing. Harmonizing to Maslow ( 1943 ) , these are all basic physiological demands. Mr B had late lost his Dendranthema grandifloruom to malignant neoplastic disease, which led to imbibing intoxicant overly. He felt he ne’er grieved decently, or spoke to anyone about his loss. I feel that this was a important contributing factor to his backsliding. Ref bereaves ) . Prior to his mourning he had been clean and free of intoxicant. Attending a support groups for alkies, such as alcoholic anon. may hold prevented his backsliding * ( REF ) . Consequently, this may hold helped him to get by with the loss of his Dendranthema grandifloruom, and assist beef up his ability to get the better of his alcoholic dependence. Mr B feels that he is socially excluded from society as he has been unable to work due to his illness/condition. As a nurse, it is cardinal that I help in back uping him, so he feels included in society, which may be done so by reffering him to an occupational healer. ( OT ) consume Whilst measuring Mr B, he disclosed that when he was turning up his pa consumed intoxicant overly. He feels that this had a immense impact on him, act uponing him follow his pa behaviour. It is known that if a people have parents ‘ who misuses intoxicant, so they have greater hazard of following these traits ( ref ) . Preventive steps will assist ease Mr B in act uponing his kids from following his drinking civilization. Socio-economic background may hold immense deduction in the execution of the effects of inordinate ingestion of intoxicant. I feel that this may be a immense barrier for Mr B to hold on the constructs of the damaging effects of intoxicant abuse. As a health care it is critical that I simplify the possible long term wellness effects of inordinate intoxicant comsumption. ( Ref ) Q3.Required attention At present, there is no national service model ( NSF ) for liver disease patients. The primary attention trusts view in liver patients, is that they are non a immense precedence. Specialists stressed that liver patients are being left out on National Health Service ( NHS ) financess, which means that they will be at greater hazard ( REFFFBBC ) . However, there is National Institute Clinical ( NICE ) Guidelines in topographic point in order to assist supply quality attention to those enduring with ( ALD ) . Shaw et al indentified an assessment tool for patients enduring with intoxicant backdown, which establishes the badness of their backdown, and what appropriate intervention is required ( 1981 ) . The assessment tool used is the Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol Withdrawal ( CIWA-A ) , which is scored Mild-20.4, Moderate 24.2, and Severe 29. In regard to the appraisal tool, Mr B had a assortment of the typical backdown symptoms, which were ; shudders, sudating, hallucinating, and agitation, which meant he scored 20 gt ; .Nonetheless, this presented a important hazard, if left untreated may take to complications. Mr B was treated as per protocol, which is ; Librium is benzodiazepine minor tranquilizers drug, which is used for short-run anxiousness, and should non be used long-run ( bnf 2010 ) . Harmonizing ( NICE ) guidelines the protocol intervention for anxiousness is 10 mgs Three times daily ( TDS ) , and may increased if necessary to 60-100 mgs daily in divided doses. The dosing government is a fixed dosage, get downing on twenty-four hours one at 20-30milligrams ( MGS ) four times daily, twenty-four hours two 20-30mgs three times day-to-day, twenty-four hours two 20-30mgs twice daily, and twenty-four hours four 20-30mgs one at bedtime. There is besides a symptoms triggered dose as required ( PRN ) , this depends on the badness of the symptoms. Benzodiazepine acts on receptors in the cardinal nervous system ( CNS ) to originate the action of gamma-aminobutyric acid ( GABA ) , which is a neurotransmitter. ( GABA ) receptors have at least two benzodiazepine receptors, which are named BZ and BZ2, when stimulated they enhance the repressive action by the ( GABA ) ( Alan et al. 2004 ) As Mr B ‘s brain disorder was impacting his degree of consciousness, it was significantly of import that we carried out his neurological observations. Neurological observations is whereby an appraisal and rating of an person ‘s unity and map of an person ‘s nervous system ( Rowley A ; Fielding 1991 ) .CHECK WEB His status has meant that he is temporarily paralyzed, doing his musculuss to weaken, decreasing his physical strength. As a consequence he may potentially necessitate physical therapy. ( ref ) Education can be An probe that may be done to discourage if there is any obstructor in the portal venous system is an angiography, which establishes the cause and site of obstructor. It is besides critical that Mr B has an endoscopy, which will uncover gastro-oesophageal varices. It is of import that Mr B ‘s haemoglobin is closely monitored, this will bespeak if there is any signifier of bleed or obstructor ( Miller et al 2006 ) . PHARM Ascitess is another clinical manifestation of hepatic cirrhosis. It is where serous fluid is repeatedly produced in the peritoneal cavity.. This is when an accretion of fluid in the abdominal pit enters quicker than it can be returned to the circulation by the capillaries and lymphatics. If this is left untreated, the accretion of fluid will compromise Mr B ‘s critical variety meats, doing it hard for them to map. One of the mechanisms of ascites is hypoalbuminemia, whereby the liver is unable to synthesise albumen. It is of import this fluid is drained from the abdominal pit. There are two interventions which are used to run out this extra fluid. One is, an anti-diuretic called spriolactone, which is a loop water pill. Ref bnf This is done so by the interpolation of an ascitic drain. ref Anderson et al defines that the disposal of whole blood or any of its constituents into the blood stream, to rectify or handle any clinical abnormalcies ( 1994 ) . Mr B was given Human Albumin Solution ( HAS ) transfusion to modulate is hypoalbuminemia. Harmonizing to the ( BNF ) 20-25 % of concentrated solution of ( HAS ) may be used to obtain a diuresis in hypoalbuminaemic, it is of import whilst a patient receives this plasma replacement, their unstable balance is closely monitored ( 2010 ) . FBC REF Patients with alcohol-related liver disease are frequently malnourished, which accordingly has disadvantageous effects in their endurance ( Mendenhall et al.1984 ) KEISER MODEL As intoxicant abuse is going a immense load on the national wellness service ( 2000 ) . NICE guidelines stated that when such patients present themselves to hospital, it is of import that they are referred to the appropriate health care professional, which will guarantee they receive equal support ( 2010 ) . On admittance Mr B was referred to the intoxicant specializer nurse ( ANS ) , who deal with the intervention, after attention, and followup. Mr become nutritionally depleted as a consequence of his intoxicant liver diease, it was indispensable that was introduced some signifier of nutrition. ( Lechtenberg A ; Warner ) states that Nutritional support must be offered, and see implementing a nasogastric tubing eating ( NG ) ( 1992 ) . KIASER MODEL The Kaiser theoretical account is to assist guarantee that there is a strategic and systemic attack towards those with ( LTC ‘s ) . It focuses in instance direction on the most vulnerable people with ( LTC ‘s ) . Mr B degree of attention is disease specific direction, which is ( flat 2 ) , this encompasses tracts and protocols. As mentioned earlier in the assignment there is presently no ( NSF ) for people with alcoholic liver disease. However, there are ( NICE ) guidelines to help in supplying attention for people with ( ALD ) . Mr B was populating independently prior to his admittance, with no input from multidisciplinary squad ( MDT ) . Planing the discharge on Mr B meant I had to look at the wider facets of his illness/condition. I feel that the execution of societal services would be highly benifical to Mr B. A referral to a liver nurse specializer I feel that Mr B would profit from a support group such as alkies anon. , which may assist diminish his hereafter admittances to infirmary. The Alcohol Needs Assessment Research Project ( ANARP ; Department of Health, 2005 ) identifies three classs of alcohol-use upsets. The clinical grounds reappraisal showed that benzodiazepines were more effectual than placebo for the bar of craze tremens and intoxicant backdown seizures26. The mean cost for handling patients with AAW across all trusts in England and Wales was estimated to be ?219 per in-patient day181. Acute intoxicant backdown hypertext transfer protocol: // barr A. Drink: a societal history London 1998? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ref orford j. inordinate appetencies: psychological position of dependences 2nd edition chichester: wiley 2001 hypertext transfer protocol: // You must back up people in caring for themselves to better and keep their wellness Shaw JM, Kolesar GS, Sellers EM, Kaplan HL, Sandor P. Development of optimum intervention tactics for intoxicant backdown, I: appraisal and effectivity of supportive attention. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 1981 ; 8:382-389. British Medical Association and Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. British National Formulary. 58 erectile dysfunction. London: United kingdom: BMJ Group and RPS Publishing ; 2009. DO NOT REF BELOW hypertext transfer protocol: // id=q4qMwXJm4iwC A ; pg=PR13 A ; dq=Roper+N+etal+ ( 1996 ) +The+elements+of+nursing+a+model+for A ; hl=en A ; ei=BPYDTfPxJoyU4gbfwsWTCg A ; sa=X A ; oi=book_result A ; ct=result A ; resnum=1 A ; ved=0CDMQ6AEwAA # v=onepage A ; q A ; f=false Fatty liver disease is reversible. If you stop imbibing intoxicant for two hebdomads, your liver should return to normal. Alcoholic liver disease is widespread in England. It is estimated that: 90-100 % of heavy drinkers have alcoholic fatty liver disease oneA in fourA drinkers with fatty liver disease will develop alcoholic hepatitis one in five drinkers with fatty liver disease will develop cirrhosis A heavy drinker is person who on a regular basis exceeds the recommended hebdomadal bound for intoxicant ingestion. This isA 3-4A units of intoxicant a twenty-four hours for work forces, andA 2-3A units for adult females. Womans are more likely to develop alcoholic liver disease, but work forces are more likely to decease from it, perchance because work forces tend to be heavier drinkers. In 2008, there were 4,764 deceases in England and Wales due to alcoholic liver disease. Three-fourthss ofA these were work forces. Death ratesA linked to alcoholic liver disease have risen by over two-thirds ( 69 % ) A in the lastA 30 old ages. This makes alcohol one of the most common causes of decease, along with smoke and high blood force per unit area. Fatty liver disease and hepatitis can develop at any age. Cirrhosis normally develops in people aged 40 or over.A However, instances of cirrhosis have been reported in people of all ages, including adolescents. NHS Clinical Knowledge Summaries, intoxicant abuse. hypertext transfer protocol: // Aped hypertext transfer protocol: // ID=1027 A ; Pos=1 A ; ColRank=2 A ; Rank=1000 Roper N etal ( 1996 ) The elements of nursing a theoretical account for hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Heaven C.M. A ; Maguire P. ( 1996 ) Training hospice nurses to arouse patient concerns. Journal of Advanced Nursing 23, 280AÂ ±286. International Council of Nursing ( 2007 ) Anderson, K.N. , Anderson, L.E. A ; Glanze, W.D. ( explosive detection systems ) ( 1994 ) Mosby ‘s medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary, 4th edition. Mosby, St Louis, MO. Galbraith, A, Bullock, S, Manias, E, Hunt, B A ; Richards, A92004 ) Fundamentalss of Pharmacology, Second Edition, Essex, Pearson Education Limited hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Mendenhall CL, Anderson S, Garcia PP et Al. Short-run and long-run endurance in patients with alcoholic hepatitis treated with oxandrolone and Pediapred. New England Journal of Medicine. 1984 ; 311 ( 23 ) :1464-1470. Lechtenberg R, Worner TM. Entire ethanol ingestion as a ictus hazard factor in alkies. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 1992 ; 85 ( 2 ) :90-94 How to cite Care Of Ald Patients Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Auditing Theory and Practices Performing Analytical Procedure
Question: Discuss about the Auditing Theory and Practicesfor Performing Analytical Procedure. Answer: Assessing Inherent Risk and Performing Analytical Procedure While carrying out the audit procedure, the auditor must determine the inherent risk associated with various accounts. In assessing the level of inherent risk, the level of internal control must be analysed and the susceptibility of the financial statement to material misstatement are also analysed. The factors that can be analysed to assess the level of inherent risk are In the given situation the Posh Limited hired the new CEO during 2013 and the company experienced the growth rate in profit ranged to 6% during 2013 and 2015. As the board of directors were satisfied with the performance of the CEO, they offered him with cash bonus in every year if the growth exceeds 5%. The CEO was dedicated to increase the performance and planned to open 15 new stores. In the given case of Posh Limited, as the CEO was to get annual cash bonus if the profit exceed 5%, there is a likelihood that the CEO will try to manipulate the profit, so that he can get the cash bonus. This risk shall be analytically checked to remove the likelihood of risk as it is clear from the given financial results that the profit growth for 2016 is over 5%. (Barndt, Fuller Flynn, 2016). On the other hand, the analytical procedures are performed at the planning period to determine the timing, nature and extent of work that are required to be performed under the audit process. The analytical procedure includes the following: The interest coverage ratio of the company must be compared with the industrial average The debt to asset ratio of the company must be compared with the industrial average Comparing the growth percentage of profit of the client with the industry data Comparing the inventory turnover ratio of Posh Limited or the the similar data of prior period (Walsh, 2014). Control risk and relevant internal control for audit objectives Control risk is the risk of likelihood that the misstatement above the tolerance level will not be detected or prevented by the internet control system of the client. Generally, there are 4 phases for understanding the internal control and evaluating the control risk. In 1st phase the auditor gets an idea of internal controls. At next phase the auditor make a preliminary analysis of control risk and carry out control tests in every audit as part of the 3rd phase. The auditor utilises the results from the controls test for both the internal control and audit report over financial reporting and to analyze the control risk that is in phase 4 (Jiang Son 2015). The management generally has 3 bigger objectives while designing for an effective system of internal control. They are: Financial reporting reliability: the report of Posh limited must be prepared with the the regulations under the GAAP. The financial statement of the company do not include the write-down expense of inventory, therefore, they are not following the standards of GAAP. Effectiveness and efficiency of operations: as per the view of the chief accountant, the unrealised inventory is not required to recognize the loses from inventory. This will hamper the effectiveness and efficiency of the financial statements as well as the operations of the company. Compliance with regulations and laws: the chief accountant is the close friends of the CEO and he keeps him updated regarding the financial progress of the company and also discuss the crucial accounting issues with the CEO. This violates the regulations and compliance of the auditing standard (Zhao et al., 2016). In the given circumstances, if the loan raised for the expansion of Posh Limited, it can be seen from the given ratios that immediately after obtaining the loan during February 2016, the debt asset ratio of the company goes up to 62% that is higher than the prescribed limit of 60% and the interest coverage ratio fell to 9.6% that is lower than the prescribed requirement of 10%. However, when the full year is considered, it is identified that the both the ratios are as per the requirement. Therefore, it can be said that the companys internal control and risk control approach are in place. The inherent risks are associated with the structure or model of the organization like financial institutions and banks that have the inherent risk of cash robbery, misstatement that are handled at big volumes. These risks cannot be controlled owing to the fundamental structure of the organization. On the other hand, control risks are the risks that take place due to the implementation of internal control for minimizing the material misstatements. Managements of any business design their internal control to minimize the level of control risk and prevent the occurrence of material misstatement (Jans, Alles and Vasarhelyi, 2014). Inherent risk is the original risk level (probability x impact) before application of any treatment for mitigating risk. In the given case study of Posh limited, the record keeping system is in order except for the process of sales transaction. The transaction for sales are made at the end of each day and by that time the delivery are already made. Therefore, the sales transactions are susceptible to inherent risk as the sales transaction shall be processed at the time of delivery only. Further, as the inventory turnover ratios of the company are in continuously decreasing, there must be some control procedure for inventory to mitigate the inherent risk. The most crucial thing associated with the inventory is the proper documentation. The receipt of order must be signed at the time when it is received by the company. The personnel who is in charge of receiving the stock must check it fully and assure that every single item that is been ordered is delivered at accurate amount and exact condition. The incomplete order shall never be signed. Receiving is the 1st gateway for inventory and shall be properly controlled to assure proper internal control (Glover, Prawitt Drake, 2014). Substantive test procedures for the transactions to assess the monetary misstatements for determining whether the audit objectives related to accounting transaction have been satisfied for all the transactions or not. Substantive tests are carried out by Posh Limited to verify the accurateness of the clients accounting system. This is fulfilled by assessing the accounting system of the client. This is performed by going through the each individual transaction to analyze that whether they are recorded and summarized correctly in the journals, general ledgers or master files. The substantive tests procedures are also concerned with the transaction classes like cash receipts, acquisitions and payroll. Tracking the amounts from the voucher file for acquisition of journal is an instance for the substantive test procedure of the transactions (DeFond Lennox, 2016). One test that can be carried out to control the mentioned accounts of Posh Limited is dual-purpose test. As the substantive test as well as the control test both includes the inspection of the documents for each transaction, they are usually performed simultaneously. Though various tests are performed, it is crucial to be specific for the aim of the specific procedure. The Dual-purpose test specifically define regarding which tests are to be included as they are planned specifically to deliver direct evidence of substantive as well as control matters (PricewaterhouseCoopers Everson, 2013). Reference: Barndt, R. J., Fuller, L. R., Flynn, K. E. (2016). Teaching Inherent Risk and Tolerable Misstatement in Auditing: A Modified Delphi Method as a Teaching Tool. InAdvances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations(pp. 125-140). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. (Lecture 4) DeFond, M. L., Lennox, C. S. (2016). Do PCAOB Inspections Improve the Quality of Internal Control Audits?.Journal of Accounting Research. (Lecture 7) Glover, S. M., Prawitt, D. F., Drake, M. S. (2014). Between a Rock and a Hard Place: A Path Forward for Using Substantive Analytical Procedures in Auditing Large PL Accounts: Commentary and Analysis.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory,34(3), 161-179. (Lecture 6) Jans, M., Alles, M.G. and Vasarhelyi, M.A., 2014. A field study on the use of process mining of event logs as an analytical procedure in auditing.The Accounting Review,89(5), pp.1751-1773. (Lecture 6) Jiang, W., Son, M. (2015). Do Audit Fees Reflect Risk Premiums for Control Risk?.Journal of Accounting, Auditing Finance,30(3), 318-340. (Lecture 5) PricewaterhouseCoopers (Firme), Everson, M. E. (2013).Internal control: Integrated framework. Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. (Lecture 7) Walsh, A. (2014). Normative causation and inherent risk in the medical negligence context:'Paul v Cooke'[2013] NSWCA 311.Precedent (Sydney, NSW), (121), 51. (Lecture 4) Zhao, M., Cooney, M. T., Klipstein-Grobusch, K., Vaartjes, I., De Bacquer, D., De Sutter, J., ... AlFaleh, H. (2016). Simplifying the audit of risk factor recording and control: A report from an international study in 11 countries.European journal of preventive cardiology,23(11), 1202-1210. (Lecture 5)
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